
A tribute to Xosé Manuel Seivane Rivas


The association Recunchos de Ribeira de Piquín organizes on Saturday August 8, 2008, a party-tribute to Jose Manuel Rivas Seivane in O Chao de Pousadoiro, place where he had settled his workshop for over 50 years. The events begin at 10:30 am and will happen throughout the day to finish with a concert by Susana Seivane, fireworks and a dancing party. The tickets for the lunch and dinner must be withdrawn on phones 653 720 232 or 616 474 942. The opening address will be read by Susana Seivane.
The Seivane family wishes to thank publicly this deference to the association Recunchos de Ribeira de Piquín and all persons and entities collaborating in the event.

09 august 2008