
The Galician gaita adds a new tune


Presentation of the new gaita: Culturgal (Pontevedra), on Saturday, December 3rd, 18:00h

After many years of hard work in the chromatic range, we present now the biggest and largest gaita that we have ever built. It´s in C4 and despite its large size is ergonomic and comfortable enough for the gaiteiro.

This gaita closes the family of tenor gaitas (E4, D4 and C4) with one of the most important tonalities, because the C4 can play together with the most of gaitas that are in C5. We complete with it a family of gaitas of 18 tonalities from C4 to the sopranino (F5 and G5).

It expands its harmonious possibilities and opens a new path for an instrument that today takes one step further to its growth.

2 december 2016